Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 31°C. 100% chance of no rain

Time to start closing the windows, freezing the ice blocks, and preparing the fans (or wallet if you’ve got proper air conditioning)!

  • just_kitten
    1 month ago

    I suspect our wise feline-pescine comrade is insinuating there will come a time when 3 hours simply won’t even be an option (bar the copious use of pharmaceuticals). I tend to agree.

    Enjoy being able to function at all on such little sleep while you can!

    • BakuOP
      1 month ago

      Old people I know seem to always fall into one of 2 categories. The first are people that do like 2 hours of sleep a night and act all “she’ll be right” about it. The second go to sleep at 7pm, and “sleep” for about 10 hours, but actually wake up every every hour or two and basically actually sleep for 2 hours anyway

      Ah well, just one of those things that happens once you turn 30 I guess, like making noises Everytime you stand up 😂