• Rusty Raven M
    3 months ago

    Oh, yes I think I saw something about that (at least I hope it was about the same person, otherwise there’s more of them).

    I just had a candidate involved in controversy over a not-for-profit gym, which has been having problems with Council who have assessed them as actually making a profit. I have no idea whether the gym is being unfairly treated or there is something dodgy going on with it, but I got a bit sus when I saw the gym (which she is on the board of) was paying for her Facebook ads. Then I got a letter from someone doing a mail-out highlighting that she has been involved in the controversy, and that there are three people who are involved standing for Council in a presumed effort to overturn the Council decision about the gym. I don’t really want someone who is going into the job purely for their own private agenda, so I’m pretty happy she did not win.