Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Electronic_Owl
    2 years ago

    they are kind and caring and insightful regarding the pressures endured by working class men

    Joe’s net worth is $120m and Jordan $8m. Not really sure that they care about the working class, other than to elicit Patreon donations from them.

    You’re right tho, they are intelligent people, they have both worked out that there is a cohort of disenfranchised young men (always has been) that, if communicated to in a certain way, can be used to build their audience. Bigger audience = more ad revenue, books and speaking tours.

    So working class men are being told by these millionaires that traditional masculinity is in decline, that women have too much power these days, and minority interests threaten their very existence. LGBTQ, BLM, Equal Rights are all out to get the traditional ‘man’. It’s nonsense. These movements have been around for decades in one form or another, we just live in a time when some people can amplify and monetise the myth.

    • Seagoon_
      2 years ago

      So the amount of money a person has determines the veracity of their words? It’s irrelevant.

      But people do tend to believe rich and educated people even when they are talking about issues in which they have no expertise. It’s crazy.

      I think it’s a social status/work thing, people, especially men, tend to identify with their job or profession and when their is high unemployment like in the Rust Belt, they have crises.

      maybe if society recognised men as more than their job they wouldn’t feel so bad .