epicpillowcase was claiming that a terf had made an account here using their name. They do have some steady downvoters on reddit but seem a pretty accepting person. So just in case you cop some hate here, we’ve got your back and it might not be the authentic EPC. e: As I scroll down I see you’re on it.
epicpillowcase was claiming that a terf had made an account here using their name. They do have some steady downvoters on reddit but seem a pretty accepting person. So just in case you cop some hate here, we’ve got your back and it might not be the authentic EPC. e: As I scroll down I see you’re on it.
definitely wasn’t the real epic, we;re friends and chatted about it last night
Reddit-epic has a hater following them about, talk about not having a life… They get smashed with downvotes so often.