If you use your regular bank card, very likely you will be charged currency conversion fees for every transaction you make overseas. I’m with CBA and they charge these fees for my everyday account.
What you need is an account that doesn’t charge currency conversion or ATM withdrawal. Look at Bankwest for debit or Latitude for credit.
Travelling to the UK next month. What card should I take? Is there a 101 on this somewhere? I’m with CommBank.
If you use your regular bank card, very likely you will be charged currency conversion fees for every transaction you make overseas. I’m with CBA and they charge these fees for my everyday account.
What you need is an account that doesn’t charge currency conversion or ATM withdrawal. Look at Bankwest for debit or Latitude for credit.
@fullkitwanker @Seagoon_ I got one of these the last time I travelled: https://www.cashpassport.com.au/
As long as your card is a Visa or MasterCard, it should work over there in most cases. However, I would check the fees before using it overseas.