• In short: Australia’s Defence department has refused to publicly release a copy of the deal struck with Israel on defence industry cooperation because it “could harm Australia’s international standing and reputation”.
  • The Israeli government was also consulted about whether to release the document, the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has revealed.
  • What’s next? Greens senator David Shoebridge has argued the Australian public has a right to know about Australia’s military trade relationship with Israel.
  • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻M
    151 month ago

    could harm Australia’s international standing and reputation

    By saying that they are insinuating that something bad is going on. I thought we were a democracy. Fucking sick of this shit. I wish we actually lived in a democracy so, ya know, we can do something about it. Because I don’t remember voting on that

    • @PersonalDevKit
      1 month ago

      We are just part of the long arm of America, we have our face buried in their ass, with our arms around the front keeping them happy.

      Yes sir daddy America where do you want our military budget?

    • Hanrahan
      120 days ago

      Because I don’t remember voting on that

      But surely anyone voting LNP/ALP must know that? Decades of voting for the orthodoxy means this is the inevitable for seeable result. The only ones occasionally pushing back againt this shit occasionally is The Greens.

      None of this is new, I remember back in the day Bob Brown, an Australian Greens Senator and party leader no less, was banned from Parliament during a speech by US President Bush. As an Australian I was horrified. How is it that a member of our parliment was banned ?

      The ALP lost it all after Gough was booted out and stopped being an alternative party and became the other arse cheek of the orthodoxy. He wanted to throw the lid off the shenanigan at Pine Gap.

      Yes, I’m that old, yes I Vote Green

  • @[email protected]
    61 month ago

    If telling the truth could harm your reputation, you are doing the wrong thing and need to stop.

  • @No1
    31 month ago

    I’m kinda surprised they didn’t go for the usual “National security” rationale…