Even when treating yourself and eating out, you can be frugal.
Couple of websites that track pub specials:
And on a related note, if you don’t mind eating early or late, you may find a restaurant for 50% off at First Table
Even when treating yourself and eating out, you can be frugal.
Couple of websites that track pub specials:
And on a related note, if you don’t mind eating early or late, you may find a restaurant for 50% off at First Table
Fast and (relatively) cheap meal tonight.
Based on this Canned salmon spaghetti
He may want to be careful or he may be mining some polonium.
If the coalition gets in they’re gonna be defunded so hard…
I will refuse to accept any election results if Antony doesn’t call it!
My first thought reading the headline:
“Please don’t be Starlink, Please don’t be Starlink,Please don’t be Starlink, …”
To go for a LandCruiser across the Tundra?
Yeah, I know, it’s a bit of a Kluger.
Hey, hey! Shhhhhhhhh!!!
That sort of talk and with policies that will have some real impact might slow down the housing bubble!
Think about our property portfolios!
In a year’s time:
Dutton: “We’ve kept our promise and have matched Labor’s spending dollar for dollar. They didn’t win and have spent nothing. And so we’ve spent nothing too.”
I end up using a can opener, axe and angle grinder
Everything else being equal a lower interest rate is better.
Not for everyone. Eg, self funded retirees might prefer higher interest rates as they hold a higher portion of their wealth in cash and interest bearing securities etc. Lower interest rates reduce their income and so, quality of life.
Oh, and banks and their shareholders would definitely prefer higher interest rates too.
Reread my comment.
“On my machine, Ubuntu upgrade/install AND sudo ubuntu-drivers install BOTH flag the drivers Ubuntu installed as manually installed.”
That’s why I have to manually remove them to choose a better nvidia driver.
I can’t say it any clearer
You misunderstood what I wrote.
I didn’t manually install anything.
On my machine, Ubuntu upgrade/install AND sudo ubuntu-drivers install BOTH flag the drivers Ubuntu installed as manually installed.
When you go to the Additional Drivers, it says you have manually installed drivers and all options are greyed out.
Why do I want another driver? I found the open driver Ubuntu chose to install was flaky and provided substandard performance compared to the proprietary driver.
And I have my commands to remove drivers, and for reference, the commands you give won’t help a noob, and your steps are incomplete for earlier Ubuntu versions.
Did sydbot take a sickie today?
No weekly thread fir 24/2?
Ubuntu Additional Drivers offered me a choice between 11 different nvidia drivers.
nouveau,and then a mishmash of nvidia versions, open, proprietary and server.
Like OP was probably trying to do, had to manually remove the existing driver before you could select anything. All those options were greyed out because of a ‘manual installed driver’
And guess what did this ‘manual installed driver’? Me? No. Ubuntu’s own uograde or running the command for ubuntu to select the ‘besr driver’.
Fortunately, I’d been through nvidia hell several times, and knew how to manually perform the removal and install, but felt horrified for any new users that might stumble into this. With changing versions, it can be difficult when searching to work out which results are actually relevant, and which are obsolete.
Always remember anything with a wildcard is your enemy. Triple check before you can trust it and hit enter.
These asshats are just going to draw attention to themselves and our super.
Way to paint a target on yourself.
The thing about spy agencies and secrecy is that potentially the best work that they’ve done will never be known by or shared with the public.
I know. I’ve seen it in James Bond movies.
For a bold plan, Dutton can copy the US and have Gina and Clive head up a DOGE equivalent.
But it needs an Aussie name. Suggestions:
Flat-earther, Anti-vaxxer fruitloop who has also promoted racist views.
And he quits and bails when the going gets tough. Ask fans of Cleveland, Boston, Brooklyn what they think if him.
Hell no.
Is this actually a surprise?
I mean actually saying it out loud would be tactless and serves no purpose, but there’s no way you’d sell a sophisticated weapon without there being some way to ensure it can’t be used against you. Planes, missiles,subs…
I always thought that was the point of making major acquisitions from different countries. As if one country shut down, say, your planes, at least your navy and subs would still work.
It’s basic risk management.
Single source vendor = single point of failure