Betwixed and between

  • 83 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2023


  • No, noting about our system is to be admired.

    You have socalised mortgages through Fannie and Freddie and can budget knowing rates will be locked for decades because that’s how they operate your banks have to do the same.

    We have shitty WAY overpriced housing, some of the most expensive in the world in a small country (gazillons of acres but not many people) at the bottom of the planet ffs, we have poorly built housing stock with poor building codes (thin walls and slap giant HVACS on the side with no though to effiency) and cost a fortune to run

    We only have privates mortgages with nearly all floating rates, we have a mostly protected cartel of lenders, the so called Big 4.

    All our mortgages are full recourse, banks can persue you in perpetuity if u get I to trouble.

    And 100s of other terrible things…

  • Just don’t use so many tabs" is not an answer.

    Yes it is. If somone is holding a knife upside down and complaining it doesn’t cut their steak, are you rude and ignore them? or comment that they’re doing it wrong? OP has the knife upside down.

    FF (or any browser AFAIK) is not designed to do this , OP is doing it wrong is a valid answer.

    On the flip side OP wants FF to change so it can do what they want, which is also valid. After all, a sensible person adapts to the environment around them, an insane person expects the environment to adapt to them, therefore all progess is made by insane people. Have at it OP :)

  • I saw a great video if his somone has ripped from Tik Tok about housing, dude actually gives a shit about housing, explains the complete bullshit of Labor Housing policy and how it’s really just money in the pocket for developers.

    Let’s hope he manages to hang about and doesn’t end up like Carolyn Lucas in the UK and leave becase of the toxicity, or worse still, become one of the innumberable asshats in Parliament.

    Also gives me more appreciation for the shit Bandt must have had to put up with when he was there on his Pat Malone.

  • No… In my defence…

    “Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.”– Naomi Shulman

  • I don’t work I quit work at 35 and am now 58. It takes time Toni shacke from the societal indoctrination Misha bleeding work as worthy. I live off a small investment income from investments made decades past (I was buying shares from age 19 and have always been frugal growing up poor, I also own my own modest cottage in a small rural village) Those investments have only grown through no particular perspicacity of mine.

    Eventually you can come to understand that freedom is and do what you want. My only regret ? Not quitting earlier, those years were wasted and I can’t get them back.