World Water Day

The day serves as a platform to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources and bring to the fore the importance of clean, accessible water for all.

  • melbaboutown
    11 months ago

    I had to wait a period to apply eardrops after washing out the cats ears, so after all the hassle physically getting hold of the damn wash and then falling asleep I missed the drops this morning. (Reminder to self. Stay on top of the first aid kit regularly to have this stuff in date and on hand. The second bottle coming should help. But I’m so angry that her ear infection resulted from medication used to treat another infection and it just won’t go away.)

    I got home and crash napped with loads of wet laundry waiting to be hung. The washed and dried laundry is piling up waiting to go into space bags against moths and fleas (and to contain the damn clothes). I cleaned up the cat vomit and comforted the separation anxiety when I got home and had put dishes in to soak this morning. But a sink leak flooded the floor and everything in the cabinet underneath while I slept.

    I’m so fucking tired. My mental state has been fucked for weeks. Like, bad bad. I’ve now overexerted myself badly two days in a row when doing it even once has real consequences. Fuck my shit body. Fuck my disability supports so frequently falling through for the past 2-3 weeks, and of course extra shit has to be happening on top. Of course it’s labour intensive stuff.

    But the cat has had her supper and pain meds, and her evening eardrops. The latest fresh load of laundry has been chucked into the energy inefficient dryer, the very bottom items pulled out of the soaked cabinet and an already damp towel that was possibly due for rewashing has been thrown down on the puddle on the floor. I’m folding dry towels and puppy pads to clear the clothes horse and empty the wet basket. I’ll check if the towels need to be rewashed and use them for further mopping up first.

    After a rest I can maybe do the cat’s bowls. Then my dishes. Then fully empty the undersink cupboard and wipe it out with spray cleaner, and sort out the soaked cardboard packaging.

    I’ve booted the pot plants back outside for floor space and watered them because they were dying. I needed them out from underfoot and the space for a second clothes rack.

    I am going to be in so much pain the next few days.

    This is what happens when extra stuff hits me and/or I don’t get the help I’m supposed to - I’m pushed into an overexertion/crash cycle.