Eat. Drink. Relax. Be happy ✌️

  • melbaboutown
    7 months ago

    Getting worried about the grid this weekend :( I still didn’t fix the solar power thing

    Edit: Melbcat pranked me before. I was looking around where my paint tubes went and turns out she was lying on them. Jokester.

    Art rambles, cat vom

    I had a go at sealing a small piece of the cardboard to prepare it for painting. Basically I mixed some acrylic close in colour to the cardboard and diluted it with water, and used it to thinly coat. Basically this is an attempt to do a toned ground but I’m using the light brown colour it already is. You’re meant to use flow medium (because thinning acrylic paint too much with water means the binder isn’t strong enough to keep the layer of paint on) but the clearance matte medium I got to use for that isn’t here yet.

    The cardboard absorbed a lot of the water though. I’m beginning to see why wood and sometimes canvas needed gesso. Trying to do this with a toothpick/spoon and a tiny brush from a kit also made me glad I did order the cheap brushes and palette knives.

    Melbcat just gifted me vomit so I think she’s going to the specialist :(