Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • just_kitten
    1 year ago

    Went on a roam around the area (by car…) to pick up random bits and bobs. Bought some watercress and snake beans to satiate my veggie craving after seeing that broccolini post this morning.

    What I’m most excited about though is this haul of last-chance veggie punnets I got from a local nursery!!! Silverbeet (not confident it’ll do well), the most dire spearmint (who knows how this one will go), and a nice light pink onion rarely found in most shops (I reckon these have a chance). The cashier must’ve been very grateful to get these out because she put through the healthy looking full price foxgloves at a discount too.

    Guess how much I paid for these...

    4 punnets on a deck as described above

    …$4!! In total, including the foxgloves. How could you not buy them? If even 25% of the sad sack rescue plants turn out to be winners that’ll be very satisfying.

    Bought two punnets of poppy seedlings too. Planted out the rescue babies and 1x poppy seedlings today. I’ll do the foxgloves and other poppy punnet tomorrow. Hopefully by the time my cousin comes home in two weeks they’ll all be nicely established. Gotta find some cheer in the fact that this winter seems really alarmingly warm…