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  • just_kitten
    2 years ago

    SWEET. It turns out my previous health cover (for visa holders - everything Medicare covers plus hospital with extras added on) did cross over to my new local PHI product so I don’t have insane waiting periods for most things after all!

    I don’t know how they decided it, because I’m pretty sure my previous extras cover did include physiotherapy and remedial massage (which now has a 2 month waiting period), but did not include psychology (which does not have a waiting period on my new cover).

    Not complaining, I need that shit… I am aware extras is usually more of an Entertainment Book voucher type thing for health services but I would actually use all of them anyway; I did the sums and the savings were worth it.

    And in other fantastic news, it only took nearly two weeks, but the cat has JUST! finally!!! figured out how to roll the treat ball HERSELF and get free treats without standing around sniffing it and helplessly looking at me.

    I almost thought she was mentally slow. It’s like she was scared to push the damn thing even though she knows full well there are highly desirable goodies inside and the holes are at maximum aperture so she doesn’t have to roll it much for stuff to come out. What a relief