My washing machine broke halfway yesterday which is why I reach out to my dad, I was anxious and needed to talk because I’m financially at rock bottom having had to support my partner with her medical bills for the past 3 and a half years.
Mind you I haven’t come up with a solution other than to see how I can handle drip drying wet clothes first or finding cheap or free replacement.
I’ll have to see what happens when i do the next wash and see what happens.
Ever with reaching out it doesn’t help with the problems other than airing them out.
With my dad he sometimes tries to overcompensate because he wasn’t around when I was growing up and feels like it was a missed chance so his input can come to be a little heavy sometimes.
My washing machine broke halfway yesterday which is why I reach out to my dad, I was anxious and needed to talk because I’m financially at rock bottom having had to support my partner with her medical bills for the past 3 and a half years.
Mind you I haven’t come up with a solution other than to see how I can handle drip drying wet clothes first or finding cheap or free replacement.
I’ll have to see what happens when i do the next wash and see what happens.
Ever with reaching out it doesn’t help with the problems other than airing them out.
Airing things out with loved ones them fixes more than you realise at the time.
It’s just not tangible
I hope so.
With my dad he sometimes tries to overcompensate because he wasn’t around when I was growing up and feels like it was a missed chance so his input can come to be a little heavy sometimes.