In a speech in NSW Parliament’s upper house yesterday, Ms Munro bluntly stated that regulations on ratios should change to cut costs in the sector.
“There are ways we can make childcare cheaper. We can change the regulations around educators who are childcare providers,” she said.
“We don’t need five or six highly educated people to look after 50 kids. Maybe we need one.”
This is a stark contrast to the current National Quality Framework, which mandates a maximum ratio of one educator for 10 children over three years old.
Lol, I have 1 toddler and a 1:1 ratio doesn’t even seem enough sometimes. 50 is just nuts.
Child care pits coming soon to a community center near you.
So depressing to see that libs can come out and say shit like this, and then you go to your local area’s Facebook group and it’s still full of people saying ‘vote Labor out’ because another car got stolen or whatever.