This is the legislation, COMPETITION AND CONSUMER ACT 2010 a hard read, but as they say in theguide above, theres no substitute for the Act.
I wanted to go on a big speil and talk about it a bit, but i’ve not had mych time to sit down. Suffice to say i think we have really well reasoned country of origin legislation, and consumer protection generally in this country. Even if its appliaction isn’t always ideal.
This is a good (readable) guide Avoiding unfair business practices - a guide for businesses and legal practitioners - ACCC
This is the legislation, COMPETITION AND CONSUMER ACT 2010 a hard read, but as they say in theguide above, theres no substitute for the Act.
I wanted to go on a big speil and talk about it a bit, but i’ve not had mych time to sit down. Suffice to say i think we have really well reasoned country of origin legislation, and consumer protection generally in this country. Even if its appliaction isn’t always ideal.