Before I forget again, here is another piece of advice my neurosurgeon gave me to help me cope with sciatica.
Each day try to do 8 hours lying down, 8 hours upright and 8 hours sitting and try to take breaks in all of them. Like, if you are sitting get up after a few hours and do some walking. If you are upright take a rest sitting. With lying down get up in the night for a few minutes if you can.
Before I forget again, here is another piece of advice my neurosurgeon gave me to help me cope with sciatica.
Each day try to do 8 hours lying down, 8 hours upright and 8 hours sitting and try to take breaks in all of them. Like, if you are sitting get up after a few hours and do some walking. If you are upright take a rest sitting. With lying down get up in the night for a few minutes if you can.