I’ve been a Nice N Tasty fan for as long as I’ve eaten chicken salt at home, but having a poke around here, it seems to be quite a controversial topic.

If you eat chicken salt - do you prefer Mitani brand (looks like this), or Nice N Tasty (looks like this)? Or do you prefer another brand?

We all know fish and chip shops have the best chicken salt, so let’s restrict this to normal stuff you can buy in personal quantities (not more than 1kg) at a regular supermarket (although I’ll accept non business focussed shops, such as corner or Asian stores too)


(This post was inspired by @[email protected] 's earlier post here))

  • NathMA
    2 months ago

    It sounds like a blind taste test is in order. Maybe I’m easy to please, because I don’t think I could tell the difference between any of the brands.

    Which is probably why I have no loyalty to a particular brand.