Nice day today folks 🌞

  • melbaboutown
    7 months ago

    Today I set up a plastic folding table to confine the art stuff to, and so the hairy puddin can’t be helpercat. Ouch. Probably should have got someone to assist. Also managed to shove a few things into the little laundry shelves, might prioritise and play Tetris to get the most used things in there.

    It’s still weirdly muggy.

    Melbcat is being the little spoon and kind of has a smile on her face. She’s going back to the vet soon to check her bladder and her ears. I’ve found some flea dirt on her back… maybe it happened when I was a bit late with her drops. I’m going to comb her gently with a nit comb (dunking it into boiling water with a drop of dish soap between passes) and redouble my efforts to get this place tidy and vacuumed.

    Guess I’m already washing everything due to moths. Things always fucking ramp up while you’re sick… Perhaps some imidocloprid at the edges of the carpets might help. Except the unscented Frontline spray is super expensive and the Sundew is both scented and an aerosol. Any other flea spray or powder I wouldn’t use around a cat.