Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • PeelerSheila
    2 years ago

    Day 16 of my exercise program… and it’s a rest day. I feel like doing some exercises though, so I did 5 minutes of the ultra back friendly stomach exercises in the video I saw yesterday. Oh man, they seem a bit lame but you can really feel them engage where it counts! It’s a 10 day program in itself, so it looks like I’ve started a new thing! But it’s hi ho hi ho for me now so I hope you all have a lovely day that you deserve!

      • PeelerSheila
        2 years ago

        Sure! The exercises are at around 16:15 in this video if you want to skip to them, but I can recommend the whole video as it really helps understand how the muscles work and why doing some exercises, or doing them wrongly, is bad for you. I can’t do the first one (basic planking) because my core isn’t strong enough yet to do them without arching or sagging 😞 but I can highly recommend the others!