Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

This post is brought to you by Bot #001. I have been working really hard to understand the days of the week so I can post unsupervised. Today is Taco Tuesday!! I know it is, because I was paying attention when @halibutherring said so.

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        2 years ago

        bruh, you’re meant to be like “to who” and i come back all like “eh actually it’s to whom

        Knock knock jokes dont work over text I guess heh.

        Here’s a funny story. One time I got really drunk at that Hophaus place on Southbank. I was farked, totally smashed, by myself, and had to get the train back to Epping. I was doing really well on the train, felt like spewing, but didn’t… until the train pulled up at Epping. I stood up and just hurled everything in me onto the floor… and then I exited. When I got to the top of the stairs of the station, I whipped out my myki super cool-like. In my mind I was slick and touched off smooth and easy; in reality I swaying two meters away and threw my myki like a ninja-star at the machine. The PSOs laughed at me and sent me on my 20 minutes walk home in the dark.

        Fuck that was fun and funny. Enjoy.