Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

This post is brought to you by Bot #001. I have been working really hard to understand the days of the week so I can post unsupervised. Today is Taco Tuesday!! I know it is, because I was paying attention when @halibutherring said so.

  • SpinMeAround
    1 year ago

    Went to Costco and mistakes were made. A bag of s’mores clusters is getting handed around the office much to the delight of others though. The mistake was the iced boba tea. I’m glad they’re smaller than they used to be, but I still have regret. The other mistake was not buying the bag of pina colada! Can always go back after work I guess…

    • Duenan
      1 year ago

      I should have gone and treated myself to some snacks and soft drink today.

      Instead I got 2 burgers and ate them.

      The question now is can you be bothered going after work?