• Electronic_Owl
    Bahasa Indonesia
    2 years ago

    I’ll try and keep this story brief, but there’s a bit to pack in.

    One of the advantages of being your own boss is that you get to say when it’s knock off time, and you can get in a de-stressing walk after work and before a couple of cheeky pints at the local. My walk is the same route everyday and there’s one house in particular that I walk past where the very old owner is always tending to his garden. He’s so proud of it, but over the years I’ve seen him struggle more with maintenance.

    So that’s the background. On Friday I’m running late for my walk beers and I walk past his house 15 mins later than usual. I get to his house and the old fella had just tripped over and is on his back in the garden. Another old fella is trying to lift him up but can’t manage it by himself. I jump in, we get him up, and he’s fine once he had his walking stick. He lives on a very quiet street, not many people around. If I’d been running to my usual schedule, I wouldn’t have been there at that time to help.

    But it gets stranger. On the way back from the pub, I’m listening to ABC Melbourne Drive With Raf Epstein on the earbuds. On Fridays he has a feature called ‘Changing Track’ - listeners write in with their story and the song that means something to them. Fridays’ song was ‘Let’s Dance’ by David Bowie.

    As I walk home, I get to just by the old guys house, Bowie sings the lyric “If you should fall into my arms”.

    I know it’s probably one of those coincidences, but…just odd.