Saturday! Comedown Day!
Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!
Love you all being you Day!
You Do You Day!

Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. 💜

  • bull⚡
    2 years ago

    The technology actually exists for AI to generate image descriptions automatically. Hopefully some day soon someone will make a bot or even better, build it into an app so vision impaired people can toggle it on and have images described.

    • Goddess_Amaterasu
      2 years ago

      Yeah I know but the thing is and I could be wrong about this, it’s the whole Apollo having those things to help the vision impaired; bots and reddit wanting to charge them that started all this. And then we moved to Aussie zone which doesn’t have much and there’s one or two people trying to create bots for certain stuff for Aussie zone. So yea I get what your saying but until that exist in Aussie zone, we’re doing the whole “you post a pic, pls add in the description”

      I remember someone mentioning it right at the beginning when I signed up, about the adding description to pics posted and I have tried to keep reminding people to do so, that’s all. Like I said we want people to feel inclusive