Saturday! Comedown Day!
Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!
Love you all being you Day!
You Do You Day!

Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. 💜

  • StudSpud The StarchyOP
    2 years ago
    dumb poem

    Nightmares are burned away at first light,
    My dreams are rare but worth the fight.
    Puss slept-guard on my doona and chest,
    Better-Half’s snoring scared off the rest.
    Wake and piss like a broken hydrant,
    I might take off, missing the toilet.
    Coffee in my hand, heater in my face,
    Catch up on this thread at a steady pace.
    Thank you for sharing pics of your cats,
    I saw them all and want to give them all pats!
    Love you all, amazing humans you all are,
    Stay beautiful, stay excellent, you all raise the bar.