Tonight is the first night in ages I’ve got home and the house has been too hot instead of too cold. I’ve got the windows open and the fan on, it’s a really lovely night.
I have a great cotton doona for summer. Heavy enough I feel covered up but not much warmth. It also has some blue green focussed covers to make it seem even cooler.
Tonight is the first night in ages I’ve got home and the house has been too hot instead of too cold. I’ve got the windows open and the fan on, it’s a really lovely night.
it **is **lovely, the air is soft and warm 😊🤗
Miss Meow seems to appreciate having the door open, even if it is barred so she can’t go out.
You’ve reminded me I need to buy a new fan. Shit
el nino this year too
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I have a great cotton doona for summer. Heavy enough I feel covered up but not much warmth. It also has some blue green focussed covers to make it seem even cooler.
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