Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • just_kitten
    2 years ago

    Just been almost non stop AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA from 7am to 4:30pm working with different groups of people on full-attention topics when I normally hardly talk to anyone, AAAAAAing in the rain back home, brief 15 minute interlude to cuddle sox and shove things around, then another AAAAAAA trying to get the suddenly bewildered and upset sox into her carrier (Praise be to Churu), now to AAAAAA in the rain 40 minutes away to do a rundown of cat and house things at the next place before they go away, dinner with them, drive back (hopefully more of an aaaaaaa), then start packing shit like mad because I thought I had all of tomorrow to move over but actually I don’t

    • landsharkkidd
      2 years ago

      Gosh I feel you. I’m used to talking a little bit with my boss for the occasional question or to ask the freelancers to do things, but I’ve been training someone who is my underling (Iunno what to call her tbh, underling sounds fun) and it takes up so much of my day. She’s on holidays but she comes back tomorrow so I imagine I’ll have to do that again. And then having an Uber driver talk to you, like please don’t, I just want to get home. Today’s driver wasn’t so bad, yesterday’s was non-stop.

      • just_kitten
        2 years ago

        I enjoy training people in terms of the engagement and reward of seeing people learn something new, but I am absolutely WRECKED by the end of even 2 hours unless I am extremely well prepped. Accomplished but wrecked.

        I have been around people so much today - and have another few hours of actively engaging with people tomorrow - that I’ll need to isolate all of Thursday and Friday lol. Seriously considering an out of office message