Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    1 year ago

    Rugged up between the sleeping and the dead,
    The cold place where I make my home and my bed.
    There’s no friction, so I’m sliding through my life,
    Waiting for the world to give into strife.
    I can’t catch or hold of the life that I want,
    It slips through my fingers down into the fog.
    My best is not enough, though that should be okay,
    But I struggle to thrive every single day.
    I hide away hope hidden deep within my soul,
    I appear hopeless but I’m just keeping my expectations down low.
    I don’t know how much longer I can keep hoping and stifling fears
    My stitching is busted so my dreams leak out with salty tears
    I’ll be fine, I’ve been through worse, I reassure myself
    So why does it feel like I’m still trapped hell?