Day 18 of exercise program was completed. Looked for a quiet place in the house to do it, as I generally don’t like exercising in front of people. Settled on the formal living room in my MILs part of the house and started, then she came in and chatted briefly and was about to go when Mr Peeler came in and started chatting as well. I felt a bit like an exhibit but continued regardless.
MIL is looking into her family history and we found out some really interesting stuff about an ancestor of hers who was a Baron, engineer, philanthropist and published expert in lighthouse optics among other things.
Miniest Peeler is not well, was coughing a bit this morning. I can tell because she suddenly starts sleeping during the day, something very unusual. Funny how when some people are sick they sleep a lot, and others (me) find it hard to sleep at all. I’m keeping an eye on her and will give her a RAT test when she wakes up. Probably caught something from the Petri dish, oops I mean primary school.
Day 18 of exercise program was completed. Looked for a quiet place in the house to do it, as I generally don’t like exercising in front of people. Settled on the formal living room in my MILs part of the house and started, then she came in and chatted briefly and was about to go when Mr Peeler came in and started chatting as well. I felt a bit like an exhibit but continued regardless.
MIL is looking into her family history and we found out some really interesting stuff about an ancestor of hers who was a Baron, engineer, philanthropist and published expert in lighthouse optics among other things.
Miniest Peeler is not well, was coughing a bit this morning. I can tell because she suddenly starts sleeping during the day, something very unusual. Funny how when some people are sick they sleep a lot, and others (me) find it hard to sleep at all. I’m keeping an eye on her and will give her a RAT test when she wakes up. Probably caught something from the Petri dish, oops I mean primary school.