• just_kitten
    5 hours ago

    Woof, think I’m going to end up paying a bit for slacking off so much on the weekend. Need to jam in a lot of work in due to a late/fumbled start this morning, but I was banking on having time to prep data for uni fieldwork as well, which I absolutely have to have ready to go out on Wednesday and had meant to do on the weekend… now looking a bit short on time for it all. I guess I can do it if I sat down and really put my mind to it over the next 48 hours. At least I’ll be getting a decent wad of overtime this pay cycle

    E: also a bit bummed I have to cancel my psych session this week but between a haircut, dental appt (with no rebate - another task now to call insurance and ask why), 295 in uni fees, and grabbing lunch out during fieldwork days, there’s not a lot left. plus I don’t think I can handle an emotionally intense day this week.

    On Sunday my old school friend comes to visit, yay! I’ll spend Sunday and next Wed and Thu with her before she leaves on Friday. Depending on the weather, will need to take leave and crack on with the last of uni fieldwork… I think April and May I’ll have to be prepared to only do the bare minimum of work work, take as much time off as possible, and seriously start vomiting out some words