I’m a slow starter in the morning. I have some back exercises from the physio that I start doing at that time. Check for any new signups/user reports (I’m 3 hours behind, so there are usually a couple) and check out the front page in-between reps. I probably get up 15 minutes after it goes off. I don’t go back to sleep.
Also: I am usually awoken by children being loud before my alarm goes off.
I’m a slow starter in the morning. I have some back exercises from the physio that I start doing at that time. Check for any new signups/user reports (I’m 3 hours behind, so there are usually a couple) and check out the front page in-between reps. I probably get up 15 minutes after it goes off. I don’t go back to sleep.
Also: I am usually awoken by children being loud before my alarm goes off.