Men like things that they think are estoteric.
Same reason why:
housework is “woman work” but doing outside work is “man work”
women are “good at admin” but the c-suite is male dominated
“cooking in a kitchen” is a “woman’s job”, but “being a cook/chef in a restaurant” is a “man’s job”.
As soon as one can excel in a certain area or skill, and make money from it, it becomes male dominated.
See: sexism.
Also, regarding BBQs, women do most of the prep and make salads and stuff, and the man sits outside with his beer and mates and “cooks” the woman-prepped meat/skewers on the bbq, occasionally turning it.
Note: necessary “not all men” so I don’t get piled on lol
Men like things that they think are estoteric. Same reason why:
As soon as one can excel in a certain area or skill, and make money from it, it becomes male dominated.
See: sexism.
Also, regarding BBQs, women do most of the prep and make salads and stuff, and the man sits outside with his beer and mates and “cooks” the woman-prepped meat/skewers on the bbq, occasionally turning it.
Note: necessary “not all men” so I don’t get piled on lol