• just_kitten
    1 month ago

    Plugged away at some desktop work that I’d left to the last minute, didn’t delegate it though because I really don’t want to do any fieldwork when it’s 39C next week… this way if there’s not enough desktop work to go around next week, I can just use this week’s hours. But also super procrastinating on/avoiding uni fieldwork even though it’s not too hot today…

    Connoisseur ice cream (tub and sticks) is half price at Coles this week. It’s awful for my health and my gut and dairy ain’t good for the environment but boy am I tempted with this weather coming up. I used to love Proud & Punch ice lollies but they seem to only have the ones with vegan ice cream in them now and like… no don’t mix the two up yuck.

    Might indulge in a tub for home and the mini sticks to share at work.