Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 17°C, max - 29°C. 95% chance of no rain

  • BakuOP
    20 hours ago

    Sounds like a solid idea! Just chuck me a heads up so I don’t steamroll BotBot2

    Also, if keeping the PC constantly running eats up too much electricity or space, I’m happy to host it on a VPS I already have. It’s in melbs, so still local. I’m too much of an idiot to figure out how to get the code actually working though, which is why I’ve never done it

    Basically: if you do all the work and figure out what needs to be done to get it working, I’m happy to pilfer it, host it myself, and claim all the credit 😁 /j

    Edit: since you asked, and I forgot to answer, but also offered: if you ever did hand over any form of code to me (or really anyone else from the DT) make sure that the bots email/password aren’t hard coded in the code. No matter how well you know or trust someone, there are very few situations you should hand them this info. The exception maybe being if somebody is helping with you over a call or something. Even then, I’d probably recommend you only do that if you have to, and you know personally know them IRL. But you probably know all of that already. Never hurts to reinforce it though