Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 19°C, max - 33°C. 25% chance of at least 1mm of rain

  • BakuOP
    16 hours ago

    Hah. Reminds me. When I went down the shops the other day, cause the arseholes did that thing they do where they close half the shopping centre and force people to walk around the outside, I had to walk through a bit of a seedy area. Bunch of shopping trolleys full of rubbish and stuff, a few tipped over. Nangs everywhere. A few needles. A few shops and loading docks had what I’d guess were about 4-5 metre tall fences complete with razor wire over the top around their bins

    Also chose a bad way to walk back to the bus stop and ended up having to go past a group of 7-8 dodgy looking people who were 100% sizing me up

    E: removed a small rant about Brunswick. Probably a bit unpopular here