Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 16°C, max - 22°C. 25% chance of at least 1mm of rain
Emoji inspiration: I call this part of the year (the time between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day) the “never-never times” because some things are open, others are closed, some people are working, a lot not, so fuck all gets done, and if you need anything besides food or groceries, you’re basically SOL
Happy International Day of Epidemic Preparedness!
Ended up just kinda skipping sleep. Too hot. I was getting annoyed at not being able to doze off, so I said “ah fuck ya then” and decided to do some tidying up
The temperature inside has dropped down to 24.3°, having dropped down 7.5° from its peak of 31.8° at 21:00 yesterday. 3 windows wide open. 2 fans running at max speed. That averages out to about a 0.8° drop in indoor temperature per hour, if I did my math right. It is currently 16.7° outside
more morbidly,
I’m wondering if I should hop in the shower now while it’s the coldest it’ll be today, rather than wait until it heats up again and whatever’s in the roof starts stinking the place up again. I’m not sure it will be any better or not (I don’t dare open that door until I have to)
The bathroom still absolutely fucking reeks. Enough to make me feel sick. But it’s not quite as bad as yesterday. I sprayed some lavender air wick in there, not that that’s gonna do much. Gonna let it settle for 5 then go t as ke the quickest shower I can make work, and hope magots don’t fall out of the fan hole and onto my head
Shower complete. I really feel sick now. I’m still worried about it clinging to me and my clothes. Not much I can do about it clinging to me, but I ended up getting dressed in my room instead to hopefully stop it infusing into my clothes. Now, my toothbrush is still in that bathroom. I don’t care how germs and bacteria work, that thing is going in the fucking bin when all is said and done. I don’t care that it’s probably irrational and could probably be sanitized with a quick dip in mouthwash - I am not putting that thing anywhere near my mouth ever again
I missed some of yesterday’s updates. Did you put anything into the drains? I usually use vinegar if it gets a bit funky.
Heat will usually bring up bad smells if something has died. The couple of times we had bad smells, it was usually a dead mouse. If it was more suburban, it’d be a dead possum.
Ah all good. Context for you and anybody else who needs it:
Following @[email protected]’s advice, I had a sniff around the ceiling fan. The smell is stronger higher up, not really detectable around any of the drains, and there’s been an increase in flies recently. Current theory is either a dead rat or possum in the roof. I can’t really confirm that though, cause there’s no way I’m crawling through a roof in search of a rotting animal. But it seems likely. The smell itself is like a really strong rotting meat smell mixed with rotten eggs and an undertone of mold or mildew. No clue if that last part is related or there’s just a mold issue somewhere
If it isn’t something in the roof I really don’t know what it could be. There’s no smell around the drains, my floor is clean, nothing in the cupboard under the sink, and the area around the P trap in the under sink cupboard doesn’t smell and isn’t leaking. There’s a few spots where piping is hidden behind tiles, so it could possibly be a leaking sewage pipe or something, but I don’t know if there’s really a way to confirm that without either sending one of those high tech hose cameras down the shitter or ripping out the tiles
You could buy a new toothbrush to keep somewhere away from it, brush your teeth outside of the bathroom and spit the foam in the bin. Then rinse the brush in the kitchen sink, with a water bottle outside, or when you have to go to the toilet.
You could keep your clothes in your room in a lidded plastic tub and dress there.
I hope the heat at least means the situation resolves faster
Oh yeah all’s good on that front. I’ll get a new toothbrush tomorrow, probably. The clothes situation will be fine, at least for now. I’ve got all my washing in my room, I just need to put some of it away so I have a basket for dirty stuff etc
Me too. Really really me too. The smell is nauseating