Melbourne area

Cloudy. High chance of showers about the Dandenongs, medium chance elsewhere. Winds southwesterly 30 to 45 km/h.

Min 11 Max 18

Shower or two. Becoming windy. Possible rainfall: 0 to 2 mm Chance of any rain: 60%

Fire Danger - High

Sun protection recommended from 9:10 am to 5:30 pm, UV Index predicted to reach 11 [Extreme]

  • Taleya
    2 months ago

    Mik carrier plate acquired. Mik adapter plate for my little basket acquired. Mik 40l cargo crate acquired. Shraeder to presta adapter aquired so His Lordship can use all pumps. Knog alarm / tracker acquired. Bike wipes acquired. Now i have a shiny clean bike that i can clip cargo carriers in and out of with gay abandon and find wherever it may roam. And his lordship bought himself a massive fuckoff floor pump he’s already referring to as his swedish penis inflator. And I took the whole lot for a spin about and snagged some massive (65x65) cushion covers at savers for $3. W00t w00t.

    Today i shall get filthy flinging dirt and exposing the last of the trenches, correct the exit, blast metal and generally be obnoxious for i am on goddamn holiday