Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 31°C. 100% chance of no rain
Time to start closing the windows, freezing the ice blocks, and preparing the fans (or wallet if you’ve got proper air conditioning)!
Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 31°C. 100% chance of no rain
Time to start closing the windows, freezing the ice blocks, and preparing the fans (or wallet if you’ve got proper air conditioning)!
Profession opinion by Boyo. Redirection sticker is improperly placed and scanners are picking up the original first.
That’s certainly what I suspect is happening. Though I don’t understand why it’s in Adelaide. Both postcodes start with a 3. My current working theory is that some robot noticed it going back and forth like a yoyo and poofed it off to Adelaide in the hopes that fixes it