Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 20; max - 32; shower or two (25% chance of at least 3mm)

  • Rusty Raven M
    2 months ago

    A bit sweltery out there already. I managed to get the back garden area mostly weeded and did some cutting back of overhanging trees and the bamboo.

    I had a parsnip and carrots self seed in there early this year, so weeding has yielded me a basket full of carrot and parsnip (mostly parsnip). I think I’ll be taking some of the parsnip up to the food cupboard, I doubt I’ll be able to eat it all myself. If I can find enough enthusiasm to brave the heat and pick some more cherries I might take some of those up too, but right now I think it’s way to hot and icky to contemplate it/