• Gorgritch_Umie_Killa
    3 months ago

    Its a trade deal for military technology. Where the US already is in the superior bargaining position for re/setting terms, agenda, and prices.

    I don’t know why anyone in Australia, or the world, thinks thats in jeopardy. Even the most craven of administrations would love this, as far as i know, uncapped ‘deal’.

    At most the screws might be turned, but our unimaginative military leaders will always recommend we pay, or rely on the US’ decisions in regards agenda or terms.

    They will do this, because they seem to have no genuine ideas for builing our own defense capabilities. Their answer is always the same.

    A wise government would be directing companies around Australia to build up the Australian military industrial supply systen in the national interest. They should’ve given up the slower single large contract tendering processes when the Russians tried to decapitate Kyiv.