• melbaboutown
    4 months ago
    Cat rambles

    This happened a few days ago. Melbcat spat medicine on herself so I removed her collar to clean her up… found a small hidden patch of slight matting where her tags rub.

    Completely unexpected since the collar is quite loose, I check to ensure it isn’t rubbing her skin and give her scritches, and she has short hair that she independently keeps well groomed. But she can’t reach that spot between chest and neck. It was lower and to the side, created and hidden by the tags. And she normally doesn’t like me to brush her. I carefully snipped out a small piece with round tipped kitchen scissors and combed out the rest.

    I’ve left her collar off for the moment but stressing about it.

    Melbcat is an inside kitty but I still prefer her to be wearing her ID and name tags at all times in case she door dashes… but perhaps as a more comfortable compromise I could get a collar with her info embroidered on. Or maybe just buy a cheap soft collar and Sharpie it on. Just for her to wear as ‘pyjamas’ around the house.

    Other considerations are a smaller softer brush to get at her chest/neck fur with, a bib for medicine time, and a more washable collar.

    • Seagoon_OP
      4 months ago

      aw, poor kitty.

      I used to trim Allie’s fur when she was sick and couldn’t look after herself well.

      ( damn, it still hurts a bit to think of her being so ill 😢)

      • melbaboutown
        4 months ago

        Melbcat cleans herself beautifully, it’s just under her chin if she tries to reach down and had tags in the way