• AJ Sadauskas
    6 months ago

    A few more thoughts from someone who’s of an age where it’s no-longer polite to ask how old I am. (Let’s just say some of the songs I listened to in high school now play on Gold 104 🫢)


    The job you start out in won’t be your forever job.

    And there’s a good chance the industry you start in won’t be the same one you retire in.

    Lots of people start in one industry and then later go back to TAFE or uni. Or decide to start a business. Or end up working in a profession that’s different to the one they studied for.

    I’ve done it, and so have plenty of other people.

    Say you start off as a teacher, and decide after a few years that it’s not for you.

    Well, chances are there’s a lot of soft skills that you’ll learn from teaching that will be valuable elsewhere.

    And don’t worry that you haven’t figured it all out yet. Heavens knows I still haven’t!