CommCat [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Never liked Thom Yorke or Radiohead, I just like that one song “No Surprises”. His position on Palestine is not surprising though, I remember reading an interview he did along side Howard Zinn. Zinn said that Artists have a duty to be political, while Yorke says it’s not his job. I also remember him being a big fan of the 80s-90s comedy show “Married with Children”, anyone remember that show, knows how misogynistic it is. Has Yorke fully turned into a bitter old Anglo like Morrissey yet?

  • This reminds of a talk by the old US Trot ISO party. It was during the Libya crisis, a Libyan American college student was giving the talk, they were pro Western backed Rebels and getting rid of Gaddafi. During the talk she mentions that her parents were able to study in the USA because of Libyan social programs under Gadaffi. Is Libya a functioning state anymore? Last big news story from Libya was the disastrous flood that killed at least 11,300 people.

  • I read a new scenario. Oswald was definitely a CIA plant, but the reason for the assassination was to blame Castro and Cuba, thus justifying a military invasion after the failed Bay of Pigs. This explains Oswald being in the “Fair play for Cuba” committee and actually filmed getting in a physical altercation with a gusano. Remember back then nobody is walking around with their phones and filming everything, how was this altercation caught on camera? This got him on radio to debate the gusano and praise Castro/Cuba. Two months before the assassination, Oswald, or an impersonator, travelled to Mexico City and visited the Cuban and Russian embassies, looking to enter Cuba.

    The explanation why there was no military invasion of Cuba, was that Johnson was afraid of risking WWIII, and he wanted to focus on Vietnam.