Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • RosaliePreistley
    1 year ago

    Yay, my first ever penalty rate shift at new jerb starts at 7. I’m physically a but stiff and sore, so the 5 minute warm up routine will be a must today. I also need to quit vaping. Now I’m fitter I can notice the crap way it makes me feel. I’ll take my own advice I gave spud last night and use those nicotine lozenges. Probably just switch my addiction over, but at least my lungs can have a break. Vapes are waaaay to addictive and I was born a freaking addict which is good to finally understand and know I have to accept it.

    nterestingly, people are proud of me for taking positive steps and doing actual work on my substance abuse problems. Also, thanks to realising I’m trans, I really love my body now and only want it to grow and change with quality new parts. I don’t even care I have a slowly re-growing bald dome. It’s going to be interesting to see how much hair I re-grow so I’m growing it out and it looks crap as. Wigs and hats fix that.

    EDIT: happy saturday everyone.

    • Rusty Raven M
      1 year ago

      A definite yay for penalty rates. It makes it a bit better to be stuck inside looking out at the sunshine when there is extra pay to compensate.

      I should probably take some inspiration from your active days and go outside for a walk today, as my work involves sitting on my butt staring at a screen all day. It tends to encourage a figure that would make a potato proud rather than being fit and healthy.

      • RosaliePreistley
        1 year ago

        I was finished by 1015. Now I can enjoy the next three days. Beautiful weather. Make the body super tired today, rest day tomorrow.

        Don’t knock potatos round these parts. You’re loved for being a proud potato. Also - yeah walking is good for everything and we have fine weather.