I’m at a bit of a loss as to why the WA government supports the gas industry here so much. It can’t be the current money we get in royalties because they aren’t significantly different than other mining royalties. Its not like Gas is contributing Iron Ore levels of royalties to the state. From what i’ve previously looked up anyway.

In the article Bill Hare, from Climate Analytics states, “Academic studies have shown that the world is massively oversupplied with LNG capacity at the very time that Western Australia is planning to expand its capacity,”

But that statement doesn’t cover whether the supplies are from reliable, geopolitically less risky sources. If the studies include, for example, Russian gas in the supply then it won’t be one-to-one in terms of potential suppliers for potential buyers, as many nations, (the buyers), will want to limit or avoid their exposure to the geopolitical risks Russian gas may pose.