I enjoy doing outdoor activities like visiting parks, but it is a bit cold for that at the moment. A lot of indoor activities get pretty expensive, but I have in the past found a few free building tours and similar which are really good.

I’d love to hear about things everyone else enjoy doing that don’t cost too much, and any resources you use to find activities.

  • Ilandar
    1 year ago

    Parkrun. It’s a free, timed 5km run held every Saturday morning at 8 AM. There are courses all over the world and once you can attend any of them for free, without needing to register again. If you are an extrovert there are lot of people to meet and you can get into the volunteering community too (125 runners at my local on the weekend, despite cold and wet weather) but if you’re introverted like me it’s just fun to have a weekly run with/against other people. Because it’s timed, you can also track your progress through your online record and there are running and volunteering milestones to aim for too. If you live near a major city like I do, there are also tons of local courses to “tour” when you feel like something different or want to meet new people.

    EDIT: I realise now that you specifically wanted warm, indoor activities. Maybe revisit this one in Spring lol