Extra soggy out there today. Took Mr Woof for a walk (fully coated up, of course) and managed to time it pretty well between showers - it was a bit drizzly, but not too wet. Then I went back out by myself to grab some hard rubbish I saw on the way, and it decided it was a great time to bucket down. Not fun, but I now have a metal frame from some sort of shelving unit that will work perfectly as a cage for my tomato, saving me the time I was going to spend building one from bamboo.
Extra soggy out there today. Took Mr Woof for a walk (fully coated up, of course) and managed to time it pretty well between showers - it was a bit drizzly, but not too wet. Then I went back out by myself to grab some hard rubbish I saw on the way, and it decided it was a great time to bucket down. Not fun, but I now have a metal frame from some sort of shelving unit that will work perfectly as a cage for my tomato, saving me the time I was going to spend building one from bamboo.