How is any of that vandalism?! They’re just disarming cars, no? 🤔
Targeted attack = someone gave them a coupon for a free car wash and the car subsequently burned to the ground?
You love to see it!
Musk, the owner of X, said on Monday that his companies “make great products that people love and I’ve never physically hurt anyone, so why the hate and violence against me?”
“Because I am a deadly threat to the woke mind parasite and the humans it controls,” Musk said on X.
Great that they quote Musk but dont even give a single sentence to an attempt at explaining the possible motivation behind these attacks. I know it, they know it, but apparently its forbidden knowledge just like when Luigi did his thing.
Hmm calling humans parasites…
Well no he is calling them “controlled by parasites”. Either way, dude is becoming more deranged every day.
Replace woke with “not being an arsehole”
or even not being a nazi. he was already an asshole before coming out, and people werent so angry to burn his shit.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
So he just outright admits he’s against basic human development and decency, sounds like a good thing to despise
I don’t even feel bad that this absolute timepiece seems totally oblivious to the danger of hanging out with despots who will have him shot the instant they see his as a threat rather than a useful idiot.
Teslas just do that
Buys a bomb
complains when it blows up
Read that last bit and think of all the accidents these things drove people into, just to ‘hand off’ control .5 seconds before impact.
If we had a real government, Tesla would be in public hearings TODAY.
you do have a real government. They’re really really really fascist.
a really bad one… fuck tho you’re right.
I’m thinking about how many man-hours and tax dollars go toward status symbols rather than humans.
oof that’ll leave you miserable.
similarly, the coal rollers: they pay extra to modify their shitwagons to intentionally run BADLY, inefficiently, so they spew clouds of partially combusted fuel. their children and grandchildren will all suffer for every time these things roll down the block. and they don’t care, they think gas costs too much (!?) as they cash their social security checks.
future generations will despise our society.
Current generations despise our society. It’s just a matter of despising it enough to want our leader’s heads on pikes.
God I swear the cognitive dissonance of people who chose huge vehicles and then complain about gas prices. we know, that’s why we are more efficient in our travel
amen dude.
I think you should be allowed to shoot coal rollers dead. it’s self defense
where are the pro lifers when it comes to the assholes poisoning the next generation right?
Not miserable. I’ve accepted this is what it is and am prodding my brain for workable solutions since activation is spotty, at best. Looking for ways to achieve this, beyond activation, which is still the best shot, but with so few unable or unwilling, what can be added to mobilization/bodies on the streets?
which is still the best shot, but with so few unable or unwilling, what can be added to mobilization/bodies on the streets?
yeah, hard to show up when it’s 3 other people confronted by 200 cops. but I think the public is slowly waking up to the fucktocracy it’s in. hang in there.
I’m hanging! You too, my friend. Good luck!
it also causes wearing and scoring of the cylinder walls as the fuel/air ratio is so biased that the injectors wash the oil off the parts inside the engine. this actually wears the engine out very quickly and causes it to lose power. they’re literally destroying otherwise fine engines just to be assholes.
Read that last bit and think of all the accidents these things drove people into, just to ‘hand off’ control .5 seconds before impact.
A crash is counted as on autopilot if it occurs within a few seconds of autopilot disengaging.
a lot of good it is if it’s going to get people into no-win situations because musk thinks optical only is a viable solution for the exceptionally complex problem.
It’s really invigorating seeing this. This happens all over the western world! Nazi cunt Musk finally seeing the consequences of his actions. Insurance hiking on Tesla’s, Tesla stock diving 50%, people vandalizing Tesla’s, attacks and protests at Tesla dealerships.
As long as the small people don’t get hurt. But when this happens it is them who will bear it instead of the Musks of the world.
I learned that brake cleaner can damage both paint and clear coat.
Don’t ask questions.
Tomato juice is more excusable to carry about, albeit slower acting
too busy vandalising Teslas I presume.
Priorities for the libsAs long as these aren’t bought and owned cars, it’s cool. Plenty of good people got dupped into buying tesla before he was more open about his fascist agenda. Many of them are also stuck with it.
@Ghost33313 @Global_Liberty And that applies to 0 Cybertruck owners.
If you’re dumb and rich enough to buy a tesla I have no pity