I’d always build these and battleships out of whatever random crap I had, so they’d be every colour like an Imperial Navy Pride flotilla.
I’d always build these and battleships out of whatever random crap I had, so they’d be every colour like an Imperial Navy Pride flotilla.
They should have taken the picture in the mirror with their phone covering their face then.
Agree we (the UK) can’t be on-again-off-again partners in the European project, though if things shift enough that we were properly in on it it’d help to have another big player to offset populists like Orban getting their claws in.
They’ll say it’s still too soon. It’ll be like ten minutes.
When someone gets you a really crappy birthday present but your parents make you write a thank you letter anyway.
It’s about money.
The most interesting thing about this piece is that Guardian editorial sticks close to establishment when it comes to foreign policy, so you know this is what they’re talking about in Whitehall.
I know someone like this. A lot of the possible dementia-induced-confusion is indistinguishable from the pre-dementia reality-distorting lies and malice, to the point you suspect even they don’t know what’s real anymore.
For white nationalists, pitting Jews and Arabs against each other is a wet dream. For Christian fundamentalists, war in the Middle East is seen as a precursor to the End Times (you’d think it would have happened by now). Others are actual Jewish Zionists who are somehow comfortable with working with the previous two groups.
“You’re a woman, Harry.”
I just kind of knew that, but not sure how.
Tech moved in cycles. We come back to the same half-baked ideas every so on, imagine we just discovered the idea and then build more and more technologies on top to try to fix the foundational problems with the concept until something else shiny comes along. A lot of tech work is “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly”.
How does he get to pick the head of Canadian intelligence?
Whoever had the bright idea to turn teabags into flails should rot in an oubliette.
I wonder what they think about the pedestrianisation of Norwich town centre.
Is this because everyone gave them shit about their CEO’s breathless praise for a tyrant?
Ken Cheng is the true princess of our hearts.
You’re a wizard, Harry!
This explains a lot.