Cheers dumble, and everyone else who’s dropped well wishes in. And low for passing the link along. Truly appreciated
I had my wisdom teeth removed 3 days ago, and as part of the healing process I can’t drink, or have a slice of cake. And the pain meds have left me too tired to go anywhere or catch up with anyone
E: I did get a kitten since I was here last, so I’m just spending the day with him
Cheers dumble, and everyone else who’s dropped well wishes in. And low for passing the link along. Truly appreciated
I had my wisdom teeth removed 3 days ago, and as part of the healing process I can’t drink, or have a slice of cake. And the pain meds have left me too tired to go anywhere or catch up with anyone
E: I did get a kitten since I was here last, so I’m just spending the day with him