YouGov research for the Australian Conservation Foundation, found:

85% of parents worry about their children’s health and safety in extreme heat.

70% of parents have kept their child inside more often over the summer holidays, with higher numbers for parents of children aged 5 or younger (76%) and Queenslanders (75%) 67% of parents who kept children indoors had negative feelings including feeling confined (32%), stressed (26%), trapped (23%), anxious (21%), sad (21%) and overwhelmed (18%).

79% report heatwaves impact their family’s sleep, with 21% saying reporting significantly impacts children’s sleep and 58% saying it somewhat impacts their children’s sleep.

45% reported limiting the use of air conditioners or fans during heatwaves because of the cost of power bills.

    • Gorgritch_Umie_KillaOPM
      1 month ago

      Ha! I should’ve learned by now theres always a redhead just around the corner, but i haven’t!